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How to take the Screenshot in Selenium WebDriver?

If we want to take the screenshot then we have to convert our WebDriver object into the screenshot object. we need to change the behavior of the drive to take the screenshot . We can do it by casting
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How to handle the SSL certificate and Insure certificate in Selenium WebDriver?

We need to add capabilities in the chrome browser DESIRED CAPABILITIES IS THE CLASS WHO HELP TO CUSTOMIZED THE CHROME BROWSER. So first we need to create an object of the Desired Capabilities and then accept the SSL or Insure certificate. After this we need to create our local chrome driver option and provide the Desired Capabilities information to the local chrome driver option so that while creating the chrome driver object, we can pass the local chrome driver to pass the Desired Capabilities. below is the code to use.

How to handle “Time out receiving message from the renderer” in chrome driver?

I am getting this Timeout problem while i was working in chromedriver 81 also Chrome Browser version is same 81. [1582678866.122][SEVERE]: Timed out receiving message from renderer: 0.100 This is the problem that we were facing while working on ChromeDriver  This will stop to show above message in console while run the script. x It's solution is very simple. You just need to add below single line code in the driver initialization code 

Multiple Users Login with JMeter

As i explained in my last post, we discussed about the Thread Group and we discuss about the different properties of the Thread Group. In this post we will understand how we will put load with multiple users and how we get the report of the multiple user request in different type of report format with the help of Listeners.

How to Put Load on a Script in JMeter

In last post we discussed about how to record a test script and Firefox settings to run the script. In this post we will discuss about how the Thread Group will work, how can we put n number of users to perform load testing, In JMeter by using Thread Group, we can create virtual users. Thread Group is a set of thread which work in same scenario. There are multiple thread group are available which is use to configure how the virtual users interest with the application, How much load maintain and till how much time load maintain.

Record and Play Back in JMeter

In this section we will discuss about how to record a Test script than how we can play back that script in the browser. First we develop a  a Test Script than put a load of suppose 100 users and than run the test script again with this load while Test executing than we are getting result in performance matrices that how the Test performing in different number of users.

JMeter Overview Description

In this article we will go through the multiple section of JMeter and describe the tool information. we will discuss about every component of JMeter tool in this Article so that you can hands on while working on script on JMeter about these components.